Efficient and reliable color proofing, all the time.
For over 15 years, Spectraflow East has guided Retouchers, Ad Agencies, Brands and many others in outfitting their studios with the technology that enables them to deliver reliable contract color proofs to their clients.
Our team of Color Experts are versed in the leading color RIP software and, as one of the nation’s foremost resellers, can help you choose the right printer and supplies to achieve your goals while meeting your budget. With our integration services, you can rest assured that your investment will be set up to the highest industry standards.

Key Benefits
Create proofs to match all published standards (GRACoL, SWOP, FOGRA, PSO, etc.)
Ability to match custom target data, such as a specific press condition
Verify your proofs to ensure you are matching within tolerance
Accurate reproduction of Pantone colors - all current libraries included
Ensure that your printer remains consistent over time with automatic calibration (available with GMG ColorProof)
Automated features make proofing reliable and easy
Create an unlimited number of hot folders and workflows for matching many different output conditions
Consistent results across multiple locations